أداة من Security Force Monitor

حادثة في 24 مارس 2008 [+] طباعة هذه الصفحة

الموقع: Okrika, Rivers [+]

البلد: Nigeria [+]

أنواع الانتهاك: Violations of the right to life [+]


هذه الحادثة وقعت في Okrika, Rivers, Nigeria [+]


According to the United States Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor: "On March 24, the JTF reportedly killed four men near Isaka in the Okrika Local Government Area, Rivers State, when they confronted them and other armed men attempting to hijack a barge. There was no investigation conducted." [+]

وحدات الجناة

الاسم أسماء أخرى التصنيف
Joint Task Force Operation Restore Hope [+] JTF
Joint Military Task Force
Joint Military Task Force (JTF)
Joint Military Task Force on the Niger Delta
Joint Military Task known as Operation Restore Hope
Joint Security Task Force
Joint Task Force
Joint Task Force "Operation Restore Hope"
Joint Task Force for the Niger Delta
Joint Task Force on Niger Delta codenamed Operation Restore Hope
Operation Restore Hope
Operation Restore Hope in the Niger Delta
Task Force
Army [+]
Joint Task Force [+]
Military [+]
Police [+]


قائمة بجميع المصادر المستخدمة للتحقق من البيانات في هذا السجل انقر على إشارة "+" المجاورة لكل نقطة بيانات في السجل للاطلاع على المصادر المستخدمة فيها.

تاريخ النشر الناشر عنوان النشر تاريخ الوصول للمصدر رابط الأرشيف
United States Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012: Nigeria. 28 سبتمبر 2018