أداة من Security Force Monitor

حادثة في 14 يوليو 2012 [+] طباعة هذه الصفحة

الموقع: Zannari, Maiduguri [+]

البلد: Nigeria [+]

أنواع الانتهاك: House Burning [+] Violation of the Right to Adequate Housing [+]


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هذه الحادثة وقعت في Zannari, Maiduguri, Nigeria [+]


According to Amnesty International: "On the 14 July 2012 a girl in her late twenties was shot by a suspected member of Boko Haram in Zannari, Maiduguri. According to residents interviewed by Amnesty International, shortly afterwards members of the JTF came to the area, brought out resident from their houses, assaulted some of them, and set fire to several houses. Several people say they were beaten by the JTF, including six women and one boy of ten. U.M. (65), a retired civil servant, told Amnesty International, “I was sitting inside my house around 10:00 or 11:00 am. I heard the sound of three gun shots and then I saw people running around saying that a girl has been killed. After some 40 minutes to an hour later two soldiers came into my house and shouted at me to come out and one of them dragged my son, who is a staff of the University of Maiduguri, and started beating him even though none of us resisted their action. Another soldier came in and went inside the house and called all the women to come out. The soldier started beating my daughter-in-law while another soldier was beating my son. As we came out of the house a soldier kicked me twice on my shoulder and chest and I fell down and he hit me on the head with his boot and I started bleeding he continued to beat me until when I collapsed. One of the soldiers asked me to stand; I said I cannot stand he then asked my wife and daughter to hold me. They were asking us to bring the person that shot the girl. The soldiers then started opening houses that were deserted and setting them on fire and about 14 houses were burnt down. S.I. (10) was also beaten. The soldiers called him Junior Boko Haram.” H.J., a shop owner in Zannari told Amnesty International, “the JTF members came to my shop around 11:30am while I was with some customers and directed me to close the shop and come out. As I came out I was asked whether I know the gun man that killed the girl and I said no. The soldiers then started beating me saying that I know him because my shop was facing the street. I was seriously beaten with sticks and I was hit with cutlass. I was asked to go into a culvert full of dirty water and I was beaten by all of them. I was held from 11:30am till 6:30 pm. I was bleeding. I had injury all over my back and I have injury in my eye. I was rescued by some elders in my community who pleaded on my behalf and I was allowed to go but the soldiers have warned me that I should never open my shop again and if I do they would arrest me and I would never be released. I am the one paying for my medication and I don’t know how I would take care of my family since I have been directed not to open my shop. I have two wives and four children.”" [+]

وحدات الجناة

الاسم أسماء أخرى التصنيف
Joint Task Force Operation Restore Order I [+] JTF
JTF Operation Restore Order
JTF in Borno State
JTF in Maiduguri, Borno State
Joint Special Task Force in Maiduguri
Joint Task Force (JTF) tagged "Operation Restore Peace"
Joint Task Force in Borno
Joint Task Force in Borno State
Joint Task Force in Maiduguri, Borno State
Joint Task Force, Operation Restore Order
operation restore peace
Air Force [+]
Army [+]
Joint Task Force [+]
Military [+]
Navy [+]
Police [+]
State Security Service (Internal Security) [+]


قائمة بجميع المصادر المستخدمة للتحقق من البيانات في هذا السجل انقر على إشارة "+" المجاورة لكل نقطة بيانات في السجل للاطلاع على المصادر المستخدمة فيها.

تاريخ النشر الناشر عنوان النشر تاريخ الوصول للمصدر رابط الأرشيف
01 نوفمبر 2012 Amnesty International Trapped in the Cycle of Violence. AFR 44/043/2012. 27 سبتمبر 2018