A tool from Security Force Monitor

Brigade Fluviale (Ham) [+] Print this page

Country: Chad [+]

Classified as: Gendarmerie  Military [+]


Site First Cited Date Last Cited Date
Ham [+] June 2020 [+]

Parent units

All units that have held a command position over this unit.
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List of all sources used to evidence the data in this record Click the "+" symbol next to every data point in the record to see the sources used for that data point.

Publication Date Publisher Publication Title Access Date Archive Link
May 2010 Institute of Development Studies "Security Systems in Francophone Africa" 11 January 2019
11 April 2017 Security Force Monitor This unit is a placeholder to represent the hierarchical structure of this branch of the security service, based on the Security Force Monitor's research, as the Monitor does not currently have a source for a parent relationship to a specific, named unit
04 June 2020 EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa Au Tchad, le projet d'appui à la formation et à la sécurité publique (SECUTCHAD) contribue au rétablissement de la confiance entre les forces de sécurité intérieueres et la population 24 June 2020
EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa T05-EUTF-SAH-TD-05 Appui à la formation et à la sécurité publique au Tchad 04 June 2020
04 June 2020 Coginta Réalisation projet SECUTCHAD - Association COGINTA - Avril 2020 24 June 2020