A tool from Security Force Monitor

Reynaldo Biay [+] Print this page

Country: Philippines [+]

Last seen as

Chief Superintendent, deputy director of Directorate for Intelligence (Police) [+]


Unit Rank Role Official Title First Cited Date Last Cited Date
Directorate for Intelligence [+] Chief Superintendent [+] deputy director [+] 14 June 2018 [+]
Eastern Police District [+] Chief Superintendent [+] Commander [+] 13 June 2018 [+]

Chain of command

Command relationships from a person's posting to the highest-level unit (calculated at the end of the posting)
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Commanders of units that were superior to any units commanded by this person
Name Rank Role Unit Start of overlap End of overlap Duration of overlap
Joel Napoleon Martinez Coronel [+] Chief Superintendent [+] Deputy Chief for Administration [+] National Capital Region Police Office [+] Unknown 28 June 2018 [+] Unknown
Guillermo Lorenzo Tolentino Eleazar [+] Chief Superintendent [+] Commander [+] National Capital Region Police Office [+] Unknown 16 June 2018 [+] Unknown
Oscar David Albayalde [+] Chief Superintendent [+] Commander [+] National Capital Region Police Office [+] Unknown 6 September 2017 [+] Unknown
Joel D. Pagdilao [+] Chief Superintendent [+] Commander [+] National Capital Region Police Office [+] Unknown 30 June 2016 [+] Unknown
Archie Francisco F. Gamboa [+] Director [+] Commander [+] Directorial Staff [+] 17 March 2017 [+] Unknown Unknown
Camilo Pancratius P. Cascolan [+] Police Lieutenant General [+] Commander [+] Directorial Staff [+] 26 April 2019 [+] Unknown Unknown
Guillermo Lorenzo Tolentino Eleazar [+] Police Lieutenant General [+] Commander [+] Directorial Staff [+] 5 December 2019 [+] Unknown Unknown
Joselito M Vera Cruz [+] Police Lieutenant General [+] Commander [+] Directorial Staff [+] 6 April 2021 [+] Unknown Unknown


Commanders of units that were subordinate to any units commanded by this person
Name Rank Role Unit Start of overlap End of overlap Duration of overlap
Moises O Villaceran Jr [+] Senior Superintendent [+] Commander [+] Mandaluyong Police Station 3 [+] Unknown 13 September 2018 [+] Unknown
Roger L Quesada [+] Senior Superintendent [+] Commander [+] Marikina City Police Station 1 [+] Unknown 13 September 2018 [+] Unknown
Orlando O Yebra Jr [+] Senior Superintendent [+] Commander [+] Pasig City Police Station 2 [+] Unknown 3 May 2018 [+] Unknown
Lawrence Baldan Coop [+] Senior Superintendent [+] Commander [+] San Juan Police Station 4 [+] Unknown 9 February 2018 [+] Unknown
Joaquin R Alva [+] Senior Superintendent [+] Commander [+] Mandaluyong Police Station 3 [+] Unknown 20 November 2017 [+] Unknown
Lorenzo J Holanday [+] Senior Superintendent [+] Commander [+] Marikina City Police Station 1 [+] Unknown 1 March 2017 [+] Unknown
William M Segun [+] Senior Superintendent [+] Commander [+] San Juan Police Station 4 [+] Unknown 1 March 2017 [+] Unknown
Raul Medina [+] Senior Superintendent [+] Commander [+] Pasig City Police Station 2 [+] Unknown 18 August 2005 [+] Unknown


List of all sources used to evidence the data in this record Click the "+" symbol next to every data point in the record to see the sources used for that data point.