A tool from Security Force Monitor

Marin Bicaba [+] Print this page

Country: Burkina Faso [+]

Last seen as

adjudant-chef, Commander of Brigade de Ville (Sig-Noghin) (Gendarmerie/Military) [+]


Unit Rank Role Official Title First Cited Date Last Cited Date
Brigade de Ville (Sig-Noghin) [+] adjudant-chef [+] Commander [+] 2 April 2010 [+]

Chain of command

Command relationships from a person's posting to the highest-level unit (calculated at the end of the posting)
Swipe to zoom, click and drag to pan


Commanders of units that were superior to any units commanded by this person
Name Rank Role Unit Start of overlap End of overlap Duration of overlap
Issa Paré [+] Lieutenant [+] Commander [+] Compagnie de Gendarmerie Départementale (Kadiogo) [+] 9 November 2010 [+] Unknown Unknown
Niangao Bapan [+] Lieutenant [+] Commander [+] Compagnie de Gendarmerie Départementale (Kadiogo) [+] 25 July 2012 [+] Unknown Unknown


List of all sources used to evidence the data in this record Click the "+" symbol next to every data point in the record to see the sources used for that data point.

Publication Date Publisher Publication Title Access Date Archive Link
25 July 2012 FasoZine Vols avec effraction : ils détenaient un trousseau de 275 "fausses clés" 03 February 2020
23 October 2012 Burkina 24 Cybercriminalité : Les pandores démantèlent un réseau 05 February 2020
27 April 2015 Le Pays (Burkina Faso) LE PROCUREUR DU FASO A PROPOS DE LA RELAXE DE CERTAINS DELINQUANTS: « La procédure a été respectée » 14 January 2020
18 July 2014 aOuaga.com Explosion à Larlé : le propriétaire des explosifs arrêté 03 February 2020
06 April 2010 Le Pays (Burkina Faso) BRIGADE DE VILLE DE SIG- NOGHIN : Deux réseaux de malfrats dénichés 03 January 2020
10 November 2010 Le Faso CAMBRIOLAGE DE BOUTIQUES ET MAGASINS : Dri et sa bande neutralisés 09 January 2020
31 July 2012 FasoZine Délinquance : Deux présumés contrefacteurs de chèques bancaires aux arrêts 28 August 2019