A tool from Security Force Monitor

Alejandro Rodas Borbón [+] Print this page

Also known as: Alejandro Rodas Cabón [+]

Country: Mexico [+]

Last seen as

Mayor, Segundo Comandante of 3 Compañía de Infantería No Encuadrada (Army/Military) on 2009 [+]


Unit Rank Role Official Title First Cited Date Last Cited Date
3 Compañía de Infantería No Encuadrada [+] Mayor [+] Segundo Comandante [+] 22 June 2008 [+] 2009 [+]

Chain of command

Command relationships from a person's posting to the highest-level unit (calculated at the end of the posting)
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List of all sources used to evidence the data in this record Click the "+" symbol next to every data point in the record to see the sources used for that data point.

Publication Date Publisher Publication Title Access Date Archive Link
04 September 2012 La Red Noticias Ampara la Corte a 22 militares por tortura y asesinatos en Ojinaga
12 January 2013 Proceso “El “pelotón de la muerte”, soldados con licencia para matar”
30 January 2012 Zócalo “Siembran militares terror en Ojinaga”