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Incident on 1 April 2015 [+] Print this page

Location: Khamis Marran Health Unit [+]

Country: Yemen [+]

Violation types: Aerial Attacks on Health Facilities [+]


This incident took place in Khamis Marran Health Unit, Yemen [+]


According to Mwatana for Human Rights: "Saudi-Emirati-led coalition aircraft carried out one airstrike on the health unit in Khamis Marran, Haidan district, completely destroying the facility." [+]

Perpetrator units

Name Other Names Classification
Operation Decisive Storm [+] Firmness Storm
Operation Storm of Resolve
Resolve Storm
operation Asifat al-Hazm
Air Force [+]
Army [+]
Joint Operation [+]
Military [+]
Navy [+]


List of all sources used to evidence the data in this record Click the "+" symbol next to every data point in the record to see the sources used for that data point.

Publication Date Publisher Publication Title Access Date Archive Link
March 2020 Mwatana for Human Rights, Physicians for Human Rights "I ripped the IV out and started running" - Attacks on Health Care in Yemen - March 2020 04 April 2022