A tool from Security Force Monitor

José Antonio Mendoza Radall [+] Print this page

Country: Mexico [+]

Last seen as

Coronel, Commander of 77 Batallón de Infantería (Army/Military) on 16 August 2016 [+]


Unit Rank Role Official Title First Cited Date Last Cited Date
77 Batallón de Infantería [+] Coronel [+] Commander [+] 19 August 2015 [+] 16 August 2016 [+]

Chain of command

Command relationships from a person's posting to the highest-level unit (calculated at the end of the posting)
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Commanders of units that were superior to any units commanded by this person
Name Rank Role Unit Start of overlap End of overlap Duration of overlap
Luis Crescencio Sandoval González [+] General de Brigada [+] Commander [+] 8 Zona Militar [+] 4 April 2016 [+] 19 November 2017 [+] 594 days
Dagoberto Espinosa Rodríguez [+] General de Brigada [+] Commander [+] 8 Zona Militar [+] 6 October 2014 [+] 3 April 2016 [+] 545 days


List of all sources used to evidence the data in this record Click the "+" symbol next to every data point in the record to see the sources used for that data point.

Publication Date Publisher Publication Title Access Date Archive Link
06 October 2014 El Universal “Sedena cambia mando en Octava Zona Militar de Reynosa”
19 August 2015 Gobierno del Estado de Tamaulipas Coronel José Antonio Mendoza Radall, comandante del 77 Batallón de Infantería
17 August 2016 Gobierno del Estado de Tamaulipas Encabeza Gobernador Egidio Torre relevo del comandante del 77 Batallón de Infantería
04 April 2016 La Prensa (Mexico) “Cambio de mando en la 8va
06 October 2014 Buenos Días Tamaulipas “El General Dagoberto Espinoza Rodríguez, toma el mando de la octava zona militar”
19 January 2017 Excelsior Arriban 500 elementos militares a la 'frontera chica' de Tamaulipas 04 June 2018
20 January 2016 Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional Zonas Militares.
08 April 2016 Information & Design Solutions, S.L. “El general Sandoval asume el mando de la Octava Zona Militar del Ejército de México”
20 November 2016 Gobierno Municipal de Reynosa CONMEMORAN 106 ANIVERSARIO DE LA REVOLUCIÓN MEXICANA
19 November 2017 Vanguardia “Ejército tendrá ocho nuevos generales de división”
05 April 2016 El Mañana “Nombran nuevo comandante”
03 December 2017 El Mañana Rinde protesta el nuevo comandante 31 May 2018
30 August 2017 El Sol de Tampico “Despiden con honores a Policías Estatales fallecidos en San Fernando”
24 February 2017 Gobierno del Estado de Tamaulipas DÍA DE LA BANDERA, ABANDERAMIENTO EN NUEVO LAREDO 04 June 2018