A tool from Security Force Monitor

Mando Especial de la Huasteca [+] Print this page

Country: Mexico [+]

Classified as: Army  Joint Task Force  Military [+]


Site First Cited Date Last Cited Date
Tempoal de Sánchez [+] 16 January 2016 [+] 6 February 2016 [+]

Member units

All units that comprise this unit.
Name Country Other Names Classification First Cited Date Last Cited Date
29 Zona Militar [+] Mexico [+] 29/a ZONA MILITAR [+]
29/a Z.M [+]
29/a Z.M. [+]
29/a. [+]
29/a. ZM [+]
29/a. Zona Militar [+]
XIX Zona Militar [+]
Army [+]
Military [+]
6 February 2016 [+]
39 Batallón de Infantería [+] Mexico [+] 39/o. BTN. INF. [+]
39/o. Batallón de Infantería [+]
Army [+]
Military [+]
6 February 2016 [+]
7 Batallón de Infantería [+] Mexico [+] 7/o. B.I. [+]
7/o. BTN. INF. [+]
7/o. Batallón de Infantería [+]
7bi [+]
séptimo batallón de infantería [+]
Army [+]
Military [+]
6 February 2016 [+]
74 Batallón de Infantería [+] Mexico [+] 74/o. B.I. [+]
74/o. BTN. INF. [+]
74/o. Batallón de Infantería [+]
Army [+]
Military [+]
6 February 2016 [+]


Table showing personnel linked to this unit in command, administrative and other roles
Name Rank Role Official Title First Cited Date Last Cited Date
José Ernesto Avalos Pardo [+] General de Brigada [+] Commander [+] 6 February 2016 [+]


List of all sources used to evidence the data in this record Click the "+" symbol next to every data point in the record to see the sources used for that data point.

Publication Date Publisher Publication Title Access Date Archive Link
06 February 2016 La Jornada Veracruz Llega Mando Especial de la Huasteca a Tempoal