Last seen as
General de Brigada , Commander of 43 Zona Militar (Army/Military) on 22 January 2016
Official Title
First Cited Date
Last Cited Date
43 Zona Militar
General de Brigada
20 January 2016
22 January 2016
42 Zona Militar
General de Brigada
19 September 2013
26 March 2014
29 Zona Militar
General de Brigada
10 October 2012
15 June 2013
Chain of command
Command relationships from a person's posting to the highest-level unit (calculated at the end of the posting)
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Commanders of units that were superior to any units commanded by this person
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WhoWasInCommand publishes data on the police, military and other security force units, their commanders, areas of operation and connections to allegations of human rights abuses. The site helps human rights researchers, investigative journalists and anyone seeking more accountable security forces. WhoWasInCommand is a tool from Security Force Monitor at the Columbia Law School Human Rights Institute.
The content of WhoWasInCommand is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 .